Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Haiku Battle

Last night I went to a Haiku Battle, organized by the Albany Poets.  It was a lot of fun, and there were many gifted writers in attendance. Some of the haiku was funny, some took on a more serious tone, but all were well received.
The format was a head to head battle, 3 haiku each, best two out of three won the round. There were eight poets battling, and a bracket system was used.  If you won the first round, you moved onto the next, until there was only one poet left standing.
I got knocked out in the first round, but the woman that beat me went on to win it all.  No harm in losing to the best.
Below are the three haiku I wrote and read at the battle.  I got 1 point for the second one, but lost the round on the other two.

Only one red shoe,
but she needs both to return.
There's no place like home.

He is a drinker
with a slight writing problem,
but are not we all

π = 3.
& ∞

The last one, I call Pi, and I drew it on a piece of paper, so everyone could see it.  It is a haiku written without any words, just numbers and symbols.  I got some good reactions from it.
Check out the Albany Poets website, all this week they are sponsoring events for the 2015 Albany Word Fest.


  1. Interesting your haikus. See my blog at :

    1. Thank you, Marian. I checked out your blog, you are a talented poet. I liked your landay, and Rose too.
