Thank you for stopping by. I am pleased to be included in the best selling collection, Summer Shorts: Airing Out Secrets. Myself, as well as 11 other hot indie authors, are included in this collection of short stories.
Be sure to stop by Smashwords to pick up the eBook, available in nine different formats!
My friend, Hannelore Moore, is also included in this collection, stop by her blog, she is a very talented author!
Here is an excerpt from one of my stories, "Epiphany".
floors were large, old, wooden planks. The lighting was soft. I
breathed in, the smell of the paper caressed my nose, so warm, old,
and inviting. So intoxicating I could almost taste it. After
looking around for a bit I returned to the front of the store and
purchased the book of the author whom I was coming to see read. I
then proceeded to the back of the store to get a complimentary cup of
coffee. I thought this was a very nice touch for a private book
store. I took a seat and as I sipped the warm aromatic coffee from
it's cup I began to read the book and now I was taken to a different
world, a world full of fantasy, of dragons and elves, mystery and
Love poetry? 'Whispers, Shouts, and Songs' is also available on Smashwords.